
Independence Day Celebration – During Oneg (following the Regular Service)
Jul 5 @ 9:00 pm – 10:30 pm

Independence Day Celebration/Pot Luck – Fri, July 5th DURING ONEG (fellowship time following the Service). We are going to turn our oneg time into our “4th of July Picnic”. Adat Shalom will provide Beef Hot Dogs, Water and Coffee, we are asking you to bring the sides and dessert.
Please sign up to let us know you are coming and what Dish you are going to bring. So, come for services and then stay for the celebration!

Bagels & Bibles @ Adat Shalom
Jul 20 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Grab your Bibles and join us for our monthly Men’s and Women’s Shabbat Breakfast. We’ll bring the bagels and lox! you bring your Bibles. Great time of fellowship, learning and food, of course. Invite a friend. Please RSVP so we can prepare for you! Call: 972-271-4976 or Email:
See YOU there!

We meet the 3rd Saturday of every month at 10:00am.

Meeting at Grace Bible Church
11306 Inwood Dr
Dallas, TX 75229

Bagels & Bibles @ Adat Shalom
Aug 17 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Grab your Bibles and join us for our monthly Men’s and Women’s Shabbat Breakfast. We’ll bring the bagels and lox! you bring your Bibles. Great time of fellowship, learning and food, of course. Invite a friend. Please RSVP so we can prepare for you! Call: 972-271-4976 or Email:
See YOU there!

We meet the 3rd Saturday of every month at 10:00am.

Meeting at Grace Bible Church
11306 Inwood Dr
Dallas, TX 75229

Bagels & Bibles @ Adat Shalom
Sep 21 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Grab your Bibles and join us for our monthly Men’s and Women’s Shabbat Breakfast. We’ll bring the bagels and lox! you bring your Bibles. Great time of fellowship, learning and food, of course. Invite a friend. Please RSVP so we can prepare for you! Call: 972-271-4976 or Email:
See YOU there!

We meet the 3rd Saturday of every month at 10:00am.

Meeting at Grace Bible Church
11306 Inwood Dr
Dallas, TX 75229

Rosh HaShanah Service @ Adat Shalom
Oct 4 @ 7:30 pm – 10:30 pm

Rosh HaShanah marks the beginning of the civil year and is the Jewish New Year’s Day. God commanded the blowing of trumpets on the first day of the seventh month to call the congregation for a very solemn assembly.

Traditionally Rosh HaShanah is a time of self-evaluation and repentance. For those who know the Messiah, it is a time of praise because we know that we have eternal forgiveness in Him. Leviticus 23:24-25.

It is traditional to eat sweet foods for a “sweet New Year”.  Adat Shalom will provide apples that we will dip in honey and special round challah bread for you to partake in, but feel free to bring your favorite holiday food for after the service. Things like sweet pasteries, honey cakes, fruits, nuts, but grains, salads, yogurts, and even savory things are also traditional. Many things can be found on the internet these days, but most important is that you come and join us on this special night.

Services for this Biblical Holy Day will be held on Friday,  October 4th at 7:30pm (Grace Bible Church 11306 Inwood Rd, Dallas, TX 75229)

Yom Kippur Service @ Adat Shalom
Oct 11 @ 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm

Yom Kippur Service at Adat Shalom – Friday October 11th,  7:30pm.

Yom Kippur is the most solemn day of the Jewish year. In Bible days, it was the time when the high priest went in before the Lord with the blood of a sacrificed animal to beg forgiveness for the sins of the people. This pointed toward the time when the Messiah would come and offer His own blood as a permanent atonement for our sins, resulting in forgiveness and eternal life. Leviticus 23:26-32.

No Oneg (food) on this night, as many may be fasting.

Sukkot Service & Dinner @ Adat Shalom
Oct 18 @ 7:30 pm – 10:00 pm

Sukkot, or “Feast of Booths” celebrates the final fall harvest and is the last of God’s appointed feasts. Booth-like structures are built as a reminder of the temporary dwelling of the Israelites in the wilderness.

When the Messiah comes back, after Israel’s final day of atonement, sukkot will be celebrated by all in Jerusalem. Zechariah 4:16; Leviticus 23:33-36

Join us for this Celebratory Service and Biblical Holy Day on Friday, October 18th at 7:30pm

We will begin the evening with dinner, you will need to make a reservation for this. We are only charging $5 per person. Then we will have our Sukkot service, followed by a gathering together in the Sukkah for a celebratory time, waving the etrog and lulav and some joyful singing!

LiveStream will begin at 8:30pm, after our meal. Here is the link:


Bagels & Bibles @ Adat Shalom
Oct 19 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Grab your Bibles and join us for our monthly Men’s and Women’s Shabbat Breakfast. We’ll bring the bagels and lox! you bring your Bibles. Great time of fellowship, learning and food, of course. Invite a friend. Please RSVP so we can prepare for you! Call: 972-271-4976 or Email:
See YOU there!

We meet the 3rd Saturday of every month at 10:00am.

Meeting at Grace Bible Church
11306 Inwood Dr
Dallas, TX 75229

Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah Service @ Adat Shalom
Oct 25 @ 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm

Each year, in the synagogue the Torah is read through in a set cyclical order. Beginning with Genesis and ending with Deuteronomy. The ending of the cycle is on Shemini Atzeret, also called the 8th day of Sukkot. The next day is Simchat Torah or “Rejoicing in the Torah”. At this time, the Torah is taken from the ark (its housing) and walked or even danced around the congregation (traditionally 7 times), giving everyone a chance to touch the Torah. This is a very celebratory time and it signifies the gratefulness we have for the Word of God that is given to us in the Torah.
As a Messianic Congregation, we indeed do take joy in the Torah, as it is God’s Word, but we also take that same joy in the whole of the Word; The Torah, The Tenach (Old Testament) and the Brit Chadashah (New Testament). We do not worship the Torah, but we give it reverence as the Word of God.

Special Synagogue Readings for Simchat Torah

Torah portion: Deuteronomy 33:1-34:12 (end of the Torah) followed by Genesis 1-6:8  (called Bereshit or “in the beginning”)
Maftir (concluding portion): Numbers 29:35-30:1
Haftarah portion: Joshua 1:1-18 (for Ashkenazi Jews) or Joshua 1:1-9 (for Sephardi).

Bagels & Bibles @ Adat Shalom
Nov 16 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Grab your Bibles and join us for our monthly Men’s and Women’s Shabbat Breakfast. We’ll bring the bagels and lox! you bring your Bibles. Great time of fellowship, learning and food, of course. Invite a friend. Please RSVP so we can prepare for you! Call: 972-271-4976 or Email:
See YOU there!

We meet the 3rd Saturday of every month at 10:00am.

Meeting at Grace Bible Church
11306 Inwood Dr
Dallas, TX 75229