Bringing the Good News of the Jewish Messiah to the Jewish People
Adat Shalom Endorsed Sites
Ariel Dr Arnold Fruchtenbaum Great site for Educational ministry. They write and produce a great variety of books, materials and studies, some of which are downloadable.
Chosen People Ministries Chosen People Ministries exists to pray for, evangelize, disciple, and serve Jewish people everywhere and to help fellow believers do the same. Materials, speakers, evangelism
Christian Jew Ministries exists to make the Good News of Jesus (Yeshua) the Messiah known to the Jewish people first and then to the nations (Romans 1:16). Messianic Perspectives Periodical – Excellent articles and studies Educational Resources and Speakers
International Mission to the Jewish People Telling Jewish People About Jesus – For almost 200 years, in response to God’s calling, International Mission to Jewish People has been taking the Good News of Jesus to the Jewish people.
Jews for We exist to make the messiahship of Jesus an unavoidable issue to our Jewish people worldwide.
Books, Materials, speakers, evangelism. They write and produce a great variety of books and materials, as well as stocking other authors.
One for Israel and Israel College of the Bible Reaching Israelis with the Gospel message. Training up the next generation of leaders. Great Testimonies of Jewish people who have accepted Jesus – “I Met Messiah”
Plus other media products and teachings, in addition to the Bible College.
Word of Messiah Dr Sam Nadler
Educational Resources and Speakers, Leadership Training and Congregational Planting.
Speaker/Teacher – write and/or produce a variety of books, materials.
Messengers Messianic Jewish Outreach
Mottel Balston Director and Teaching Ministry