Sermon Notes

Please scroll down to find this weeks message in our Series on Isaiah, the Evangelical Prophet. Look for it in BOLD, by date.

15 Facts About Palestine 1.25.24

Messages from Daniel Farley
The Acts of the Messiah – Daniel Farley 1.5.24
The Office of the Messiah. Daniel Farley 12.29.23

Chanukkah 2023
Chanukkah Intro 2023
The Chanukah Story 2023
Chanukkah Lighting Instructions. Blessings

We Live in Perilous Times, What Can We Expect 10.27.23

2023 Simchat Torah
Our Amazing Bible – The Written Word of God; 10.6.23

2023 High Holidays

2023 Rosh Hashanah
2023 Rosh Hashanah Exhortation – The Downfall of a Culture; 9.15.23
2023 Yom Kippur
Yom Kippur – Yeshua Fulfills the Atonement Requirements; 9.25.23
Yom Kippur- Booklet
2023 Sukkot
SUKKOT Introduction 2023
Sukkot – Sowing the Seeds of our Messianic Hope; 9.29.23

Special Message
Oye I’m turning 70; 9.01.23

Shavu’ot 2023
Embracing a Shavuot Vision 2023
Shavuot Introduction 5.29.20

Israel Independence Day Service 4.28.23
Yom Ha’atzmaut – Celebrating the Miracle of Israel 2023

The Bronze Serpent and the Cross – 4-14-23

The Law and The Believer Series 2023
The Law and the Believer – Part One 3.17.23
The Law and the Believer – Part 2. 3.24.23
The Law and the Believer – Part Three; 3.31.23

Purim 2023
Purim – The Feast of Purim and the Passion of the Messiah II 2023

New Year – Reflection and Renewal 2023  12.30.22

Celebrate Messiah Service 12.16.22

The Book of Isaiah Series 2022/2023/2024
2022 Isaiah Sermon Notes:
Isaiah Introduction – Teaching Series 2.25.22
Isaiah Chapter 1 – 1-31; 3.4.22
Isaiah Chapter 2 – 1-4; 3.11.22
Isaiah Chapter 2 – 5-22; 3.25.22
Isaiah Chapter – 2 22 – 3 12; 4.1.22
Isaiah Chapter – 3 13 – 4 1 – 4.8.22
Isaiah Chapter – 4 2-6; 4.22.22
Isaiah Chapter – 5 1 – 7; 5.13.22
Isaiah – Chapter 6 1-13; 5.27.2022
Isaiah – Chapter 7 1-25 6.10.22
Isaiah – Chapter 8 1-22; 6.17.2022
Isaiah – Chapter 9 1-7; 6.24.2022
Isaiah – Chapter 9 8-21; 10 1-4; 7.01.22
Isaiah – Chapter 10 5-34; 7.8.2022
Isaiah – Chapter 11 1-16; 7.15.2022
Isaiah – Chapter 12 1-6; 7.22.2022
Isaiah – Chapter 13 1-22; 8.12.22
Isaiah – Chapter 14 1-23; 8.19.22
Isaiah – Chapter 14 24-32; 8.26.22
Isaiah – Chapters 15 and 16. 9.02.22

Isaiah – Chapter 17 1-14; 9.09.22
Isaiah – Chapter 18.1 – 19 .25; 10.28.22
Isaiah – Chapter 22 1-25; 11.4.2022
Isaiah – Chapter 24 1-23; 11.11.22
Isaiah – Chapter 25 1-12; 11.18.22

2023 Isaiah Sermon Notes:
Isaiah – Chapter 26 1-21; 1.06.2023
Isaiah – Chapter 27 1-13; 1.13.23
Isaiah – Chapter 28 1-29. 1.20.2023
Isaiah – Chapter 29. 1.27.2023
Isaiah – Chapter 30 1-33; 2.3.2023
Isaiah – Chapter 30 18-33; 2.10.23
Isaiah – Chapter 31 & 32 1-20; 2.17.23)
Isaiah- Chapter 33 1-24; 2.24.23
Isaiah – Chapter 34 1-17; 5.5.23
Isaiah – Chapter 35 1-10; 5.12.23
Isaiah – Chapter 36 1-22; 5.19.23
Isaiah – Chapter 37 1-20; 6.2.23
Isaiah – Chapter 37 21-38; 6.9.23
Isaiah – Chapter 38 1-22; 6.16.23
Isaiah – Chapter 39 1-8; 6.23.23
Isaiah – Chapter 40 1-11; 6.30.23
Isaiah – Chapter 40 12-31; 7.7.23
Isaiah – Chapter 41 1-29; 7.21.23
Isaiah – Chapter 42 1-8; 7.28.23
Isaiah – Chapter 42 9-25; 8.4.23
Isaiah – Chapter 43 1-28; 8.18.23
Isaiah – Chapter 43 1-28 – Part 2; 8.25.23
Isaiah – Chapter 44 6-28; 9.08.23
Isaiah – Chapter 45 1-13; 11.3.23
Isaiah – Chapter 45 14 -25; 11.10.23
Isaiah – Chapter 46 1-13; 11.17.23
Isaiah Chapter 47 1-15; 12.1.23

2024 Isaiah Sermon Notes:
Isaiah – Chapter 48 1-22 1.5.24
Isaiah – Chapter 49 1-13; 2.2.24
Isaiah- Chapter 49 13-26; 2.9.2024
Isaiah – Chapter 50 1-11; 2.16.24
Isaiah – Chapter 51 1-23; 3.1.24
Isaiah – Chapter 51 12-23; 3.8.24
Isaiah Chapter – 52 1-12; 3.15.24
Isaiah Chapter 52 13 – 53 12; 4.5.24
Isaiah – Chapter 54 1-17; 4.12.24
Isaiah Chapter 55 1-13; 5.17.24
Isaiah – Chapter 56 1-12; 5.24.24
Isaiah – Chapter 56 9-12 – 57 1-21; 5.31.24
Isaiah – Chapter 58 1-14 6.7.24
Isaiah – Chapter 59 1-21; 6.28.24

Simchat Torah 2022
Simchat Torah – Why Celebrate the Written Word 10.21.2022

High Holidays 2022
Sukkot 2022
Feasts of Israel-God’s Prophetic Timeline 10.14.22
Feast Chart Larkin 10.14.22

Yom Kippur 2022
Yom Kippur – Being Restored to a Holy God – 2022
Yom Kippur – Order of Service 2022
Yom Kippur- Booklet-2022

Yom Kippur Vocabulary

Rosh Hashanah 2022
Rosh Hashanah Service (Intro). 2022
Psalm 51 – A Psalm of Repentance. 9.23.22

Other Teachings 2022 – Robin David Rose
Walking by Faith 7.29.2022
Beatitudes – Matthew 5 1-12; 9.16.22
LOVING ONE ANOTHER – I Cor 13 34-8   10.7.2022

Shavu’ot 2022
Shavuot – Preparing a Fisherman for a Harvest (2022) 6.3.22

Yom Ha’atzmaut 2022
Celebrating the Miracle of Israel 2022; 5.06.22

2021 Teaching Series

Simeon’s Priceles Gift – 12.9.21  Robin David Rose

Chanukkah Dec 3, 2021 – Robin David Rose
Chanukkah Intro 2021
Chanukah Message – A Chanukah Exhortation 2021
Chanukkah Lighting Instructions. Blessings

Romans Series 2021 – 2022  Robin David Rose
Romans – Introduction. Chapter 1 1-7 – 3.5.21
Romans – Chapter 1 8-17 , 3.12.21
Romans – Chapter 1 18-32, 3.19.21
Romans – Chapter 1 32 – 2 16, 3.26.21
Romans – Chapter 2 17-29, 4.23.21
Romans – Chapter 3 1-20. 5.7.21
Romans – Chapter 3 21-31. 5.28.21
Romans – Chapter 4 1-25. 6.4.21
Romans – Chapter 5 1 -11, 6.18.21
Romans – Chapter 5 12-21, 6.25.21
Romans – Chapter 6 1-14, 7.2.21
Romans – Chapter 6 15-23, 7.9.21
Romans – Chapter 7 1-13; 7.23.21
Romans – Chapter 7 14-25; 7.30.21
Romans – Chapter 8 1-17, 8.6.21 (1)
Romans – Chapter 8 18-30; 8.13.21
Romans – Chapter 8 31-39; 8.20.21
Romans – Chapter 9 1-13; 8.27.21
Romans – Chapter 9 14 – 29; 9.3.21
Romans – Chapter 10 1-21, 10.1.21
Romans – Chapter 11 1-24; 10.8.21
Romans – Chapter 11 25 -36; 10.15.21
Romans Chapter 12 1-8; 10.22.21
Romans – Chapter 12 9-21; 10.29.21
Romans – Chapter 13 1-14; 11.5.21
Romans – Chapter 14 1-12; 11.12.21
Romans – Chapter 14 13-23; 11.19.21
Romans Chapter 15 1-13, 1.21.22
Romans – Chapter 15 14-33, 1.28.22
Romans 15 15 – Overview of Paul’s Bold Points, 2.4.22
Romans- Chapter 16 1 -16; 2.11.22
Romans – Chapter 16 17-27, 2.18.2022

Sep 10, 2021
Maintaining a Balanced Spiritual Diet – 9.10.21 (1)

HIGH HOLIDAYS 2021 – Robin David Rose
Rosh Hashanah 2021
Rosh Hashanah Service (Intro). 2021
Rosh Hashanah – the Akedah – 9.6.21

Yom Kippur – Order of Service 2021
Yom Kippur- Booklet 2021
Yom Kippur – Man’s Need for God’s Covering 9.17.21

SUKKOT Introduction 2021
Sukkot – God would have us be Joyful 9.24.21
Sukkah Blessings

Guest Speakers:
John Kanter 6.11.21 Adat Shalom Guest Speaker

Torah Portion
Torah Portion – Nasso – Numbers 5 11-31. 5.21.2021

Shavu’ot 2021
Shavuot Introduction

Shavuot – The Jewish Feast that Changed the World 2021

Yon Ha’atzmaut-Israel Independence Day
Yom Ha’atzmaut – Predicting Israel’s Destruction 4.16.21

Yom HaShoah-Holocaust Remembrance Day
Yom Hashoah 2021

Our Ministry-Our Beliefs
Adat Shalom – Our Ministry, Our Beliefs Pt. 3, 1.22.21
Adat Shalom – Our Ministry, Our Beliefs Pt. 2 1.15.21 (1)
Adat Shalom – Our Ministry. Our Beliefs – 1.8.21
Seven New Blessings for the New Year 1.1.21

2020 Teaching Series
The Book of Daniel – Robin David Rose
Daniel Introduction (scofield), 12.27.19 (2)
Daniel-Lesson 1 Chapter 1, 1.3.20
Daniel-Lesson 2 Chapter 2 1-23, 1.17.20
Daniel-Lesson 3 Chapter 2 24-49, 1.24.20
Daniel-Lesson 4- Chapter 3 1-18, 1.31.20
Daniel-Lesson 5 Chapter 3 19-30, 2.7.20
Daniel–Lesson 5 ppt., 2.7.20 (1)
Daniel-Lesson 6 Chapter 4 1-37
Daniel-Lesson 7 – Chapter 5 1-31, 2.21.20
Daniel-Lesson 8 – Chapter 6. 1-28, 8.28.20
Daniel-Lesson 9-Chapter 7. 1-14, 9.11.20
Daniel-Lesson 10-Chapter 7.15-28, 10.9.20
Daniel-Lesson 11-Chapter 8, 10.23.20
Daniel – Lesson 12 – Chapter 9 1-19, 10.30.20
Daniel – Lesson 13 – Chapter 9 20-27, 11.6.20
Daniel – Lesson 14 – Chapter 10, 11.13.20
Daniel-Lesson 15 – Chapter 12, 2.5.21


The Story of Passover Series Notes – Robin David Rose
The story of Passover- Israel’s Bondage 3.27.20
The story of Passover-The Birth of the Deliverer 4.3.20
The Story of Passover-The Call of Moses Part 1-4.17.20
The Story of Passover-The Call of Moses Part 2-4.24.20
How to Plan a HOME Passover 2020
Passover Adat Seder Booklet (2)


Shavuot 2020 – Robin David Rose
Shavuot Introduction 5.29.20
Embracing a Shavuot Vision 5.29.20

HIGH HOLY DAYS 2020 – Robin David Rose
Rosh Hashanah
Rosh Hashanah Service (Intro). 2020
Rosh Hashanah – America Needs a Feast of Trumpets 9.18.20
Yom Kippur
Yom Kippur – Order of Service 2020
YOM KIPPUR – Booklet 2020
Yom Kippur – Our Eternal Covering – A Costly Price was Paid. 2020
Sukkot Order of Service 2020
SUKKOT Introduction 2020
Sukkot Exhortation – Being Joyful – Why 10.2.20
Sukkah Blessings

Living as a Spiritual Menorah 12.11. 2020
Chanukkah Lighting Instructions. Blessings

Celebrating Messiah’s Birth


Other Messages – Robin David Rose
Jewish Proverbs for a Pandemic 5.8.20
Staying Hopeful 5.15.20
Preparing a Fisherman for a Harvest 5.22.20

The Destructiveness of Anger 6.5.20
How to Change Our Culture for the Better 6.12.20
Psalm 104 – The Greatness and Wisdom of our God 6.19.20
Maintaining Strength through Stressful Times 6.26.2020
The Messiah and the Adulteress 7.3.20

Thankfulness – Cultivating a Thankful Heart.12.4.20

Philippians Series – Summer 2020 – Robin David Rose
Philippians – Introduction 7.10.20
Philippians – Chapter 1 1-11 7.10.20
Philippians – 1.12-26 Paul’s Imprisonment Perspective 7.17.20 (1)
Philippians – 1.27-2.11 Paul’s Instructions Regarding Personal Conduct 7.24.20 (1)
Philippians – 2.12-30 Paul’s Instructions to the Believers 7.31.20
Philippians – 3 .1-21 Paul’s Impassioned Plea not to Stray from their Spiritual Life in Messiah 8.7.20
Philippians – 4. 1-9 Paul’s Final Imperatives to the Philippians 8.14.20
Philippians – 4. 10-23 Paul’s Final Imperatives to the Philippians, Part 2 8.21.20